Sunday, April 19, 2009

Wanna Buy a Duck?

Have you ever played the game Wanna Buy A Duck? If you have you know that is is a mindless game that provides entertainment to easily amused people. (I count myself as one of the easily amused) Petey Wheatstraw reminded me of that game at first... seriously a full grown boy and a watermelon? But as I watched I saw that the Blaxploitation was proving useful. For example when Petey Wheatstraw kicked the butts of those car thieves, yeah its overly theatrical, but when he gets back to his car he makes a point to speaking to the community about how it is their job to make sure that these guys don't strike again, they need to have pride in themselves before others will respect them. The over the top acting and theatrics make it entertaining while the message of self improvement  gets worked in. When the younger brother speaks about skipping school, the older brother sets him on the right path, getting to school will make the future brighter, I felt it was a little corny because I have heard school friendly phrases all my life, but the truth is that when this film was made the idea of constant education and then further education after grammar school probably wasn't one held by most families.
I can't wait to see the rest of the film and how Petey reacts to the Devil's bargain.


  1. Really good observations, actually. One of the 'redeeming qualities' of this movie, insofar as it has any, is when Petey gets the devil's powers, he actually goes around his neighborhood trying to do good with them. I hadn't really thought of it that way until you mentioned it.

  2. I feel the same way as Perfeser. This post really makes me look at the film differently. The whole purpose of my blog was to find some redeeming value in the film and I was fairly unsuccessful. But you make some interesting points that allow me to see things in Petey Wheatstraw that are worthwhile, instead of just looking at the film as a complete joke.

    Let me know if your opinion changes if you decide to see the only gets more ridiculous.
