Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I am just about to be brilliant!

I loved Cosmo. He stole the show in my eyes. He is funny, talented, kind, and a great friend. He isn't bitter over Donald's success, when his own carreer is far from perfect. I'm suprised Cosmo doesn't have more luck with the ladies, I guess since he is hidden in Donald's shadow its kinda hard to get noticed, even at the beginning when all the stars are arriving, the fans are dissapointed to see Cosmo. I think Donald's best quality is his ability to maintain his friendship with Cosmo, Don is always sure to include Cosmo in anything he does. Right from the beginning we see him include Cosmo as he and Lina head into the theatre.
I truly enjoyed "Make 'em Laugh" the sections where it looked as if Cosmo had no control over his body reminded me of the Character of Sam from Benny and Joon.
I love that Don's motto is "Dignity, always dignity" yet his early life and carreer were anything but dignified. I guess its just another way for the movie to Laugh at Hollywood. My favorite moment of Hollywood making fun of itself though is when Cosmo says "You gotta show a movie at a party, its a Hollywood Law." Speaking of Hollywood, I couldn't help but remember back to my american pop culture class last semester and the section on Wizard of Oz and L. Frank Baum's idea of advertising. The entire book is about consmer culture and advertising. Several scenes in Singing in the Rain reminded me that the idea of advertising is never far off in any movie. When we see the fashion show commercial which depicts all types of dress for every woman I realized that the advertising would never end, because it wasn't just advertising the clothes it was advertising people as well. Lina's assumption that she and Don are an item comes from the publicity department. The idea of Lockwood and Lamont as a couple was just a publicity stunt, good advertising, a way to keep their names in print. If if hadn't been for Monumental's obsession with publicity Lina would never have assumed that she and Don were dating and then the subsequent jealousy over Kathy probably wouldn't have esclated as far as it did.
When reading the article "Winking at the Audience" I realized that the entire problem at the end of the movie where Lina wants to take away Kathy's credit in the movie as her voice over wouldn't have actually happened because so many companies were using voice overs and never saying anything. Its all about illusion, so why destroy the illusion of the perfect woman if you don't have to? The line "artifice is at the heart of the reality effect of cinema" really struck home with me because it is so true as to be scary, I love going to the movies because I can get lost in the story and then I am always disapointed at the end because when the credits start to role I am reminded that this isn't real...but it was so good at decieving me.

In class we talked about the idea of the camera never being seen and how it might be too awkward to show it even though the whole premise is that we the audience are watching. I was reminded of the move Robin Hood Men in Tights where sevedral times we see the camera or are reminded that we are watching a movie; when Maid Marrian is singing in the bathtub, the camer breaks throught the stained glass window, during the fight seen between the Sheriff of Rottingham and Robin are fighting in the tower and one of the swords spears a doughnut from a man offstage outside on his coffee break, and any time Latrine talks to the camera about how much she loves the Sheriff we are reminded that this is a movie not reality.

Favorite line of the entire movie had to be when Lina is having trouble adjusting to 'talkies' and the microphone, she says "I can't make love to the bush!" People said Lina wasn't "bad enough" to warrant all the bad things that were done to her in the movie. I wholeheartedly disagree. She was vindictive right from the start. She got Kathy fired because of an accident and the fact that Don was paying attention to her, then we learn that Lina isn't through making Kathy pay for taking away supposed attentions. Out came the bitch and she has claws. Firing Kathy wasn't good enough for Lina she had to destroy any chance Kathy might have had in movies by forcing RF to keep her as Lina's voice forever. Lina may be stupid but that makes her the most dangerous one...vindictive, stupid and beautiful - a triple threat.

I loved the movie. It had everything I could want: singing, dancing, comedy, vindictive women, and selfless friends.

Random side note: several of the male extras had terrible teeth...was this on purpose showing the terrible dental plan of the time or was it just to make everyone but the main characters seem like red necks?

Friday, February 13, 2009

Conspiracy in Hati

Watching White Zombie was an interesting experience because when you get down to it, Zombies are a fear I think everyone can associate with. The idea of people coming back from 'death' unable to think or function as anything but a mindless shell is terrifying. If the idea was so far fetched that no-one found it remotely disconcerting then we would not still be making Zombie movies today.
We were asked to watch the movie with the idea of White Americans in mind. Women in particular I believe. When watching White Zombie I could see why this was not just a horror film about Zombies when it came out. The Zombies on the plantation were drones, they worked all day and all night until an unfortunate accident happens and you fall into a giant grinder or something equally horrifying. This scenario struck a chord in me..seems an awful lot like Slavery especially in the Deep South of the United States. The only difference being that the Zombies had no consciousness so they didn't realize what was happening. Lugosi is asked what would happen if his creations were to ever regain their souls, and his reply was that they would kill him. When you think about it, that was probably one of the fears of Americans during slavery which is why slaves were not allowed to be educated. If you don't know that what is being done to you is wrong or out of the ordinary you won't think to question it.
Another fear of and for women was being 'taken', the idea of being kidnapped and your free will taken away and the possibility of rape. Remember back to Stage Coach when it looked as if the Indians were going to win and Hatfield points his weapon at Mrs. Mallory. Its better to be dead and pure than alive and spoiled. In the case of Madeline though she is taken after she "dies' and all free will is gone. So even in death she isn't safe.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The difference between a derelict and a man is a job

  • Irene is a vivacious airhead oblivious to social problems
  • Her sister seems more grounded yet she is the one offering people money to win the scavenger hunt (basically throwing away money for bragging rights)
  • The scavenger hunt is described as a treasure hunt but the things you are looking for nobody wants (like a forgotten man), I noticed that only women and young men were participating in this tomfoolery and the older gentlemen (husbands and rich old bachelors) just sat by and drank while their families ran amok. 
  • Godfrey calls the people nitwits, they are empty headed people with nothing to do but waste time looking for unwanted things
  • Godfrey is a redeemable homeless man because instead of asking for money as compensation he asks for a job, he WANTS to be an active and productive member of society. His pride will not allow him to live off of charity. I think he also realizes that a steady job is much better than a one time payment
  • I guess I am confused about the roles of the maids and butlers, I thought the maid brought breakfast and the butler answered doors....I guess he is a jack of all trades, but either way it was highly improper for a non family member of the opposite sex to enter the bedroom
  • Irene's definition of protege is way off...I like our definition from class- an in home gigolo
  • The mothers and daughters are spoiled and seem to have had no guiding hand on how to act like decent people
  • the mother is more concerned on how people will perceive the family than with her families actual emotions
  • "amusing" seems to be the word of the day... if its amusing then it is acceptable
  • The mother speaks a mile a minute and is barely understandable
  • "money money money, the frankenstein monster that destroyed souls" hypocritical much? I think he just didn't want the father talking about money because it could lead to a discussion about how Carlo was just a waste of money a drain on the household funds...USELESS. UN-NEEDED. A PARASITE 
  • The mother is clueless and the daughters are vindictive...they kind of remind me of the sisters in the movie "My Best Friends Wedding" they were dubbed the vengeful sluts
  • "Godfrey id the first thing  Irene is showing affection for since her Pomeranian died last summer" Mom sees Godfrey as an object not worthy of human emotions.
  • All the female members of the family treat the men in their lives as objects
  • Godfrey seems to have more of a grounding in morality and propriety...did he always have this or did he acquire these qualities after he became a forgotten man?
  • The family is improper and living the high life, yet if Godfrey is improper he will end up back on the ash pile
  • Godfrey is proud in his ability to be a good butler and even more proud that he has accomplished this with this particular family...
  • "The Parkes were never educated to face life" the downfall of the upperclasses...
  • All the women are in love with Godfrey he has that "it" quality just like Clara  Bowe 
I really liked this movie and the reading we did that tried to view "My Man Godfrey" as a marxist commentary of capitalism higlighted some of the technical aspects...for example the idea that although Godfrey is a forgotten man, the camera right off the bat finds him and stays on can't forget him now. The "love" between Godfrey and Irene makes me want to vomit because Godfrey doesn't really show any affection for Irene and then he marries her and he even admits that he is starting to get that foolish feeling again referring to love...Watching this made me remember all of the poorly written "romance" novels where we have a decent story line and someone decides to throw in a love story to round it out. Its like being blindsided by a car in comes out of nowhere leaving you dazed and confused.