Friday, May 8, 2009

Call me Coco... Everybody does

This movie was extremely confusing because although I was warned that the story wasn't linear there was no clue from the film until more than halfway through. I kept waiting for the final scene that would nicely wrap up the whole movie and was, sadly, left wanting. I enjoyed the story more once the readings cleared up the time line for me... dreams are really confusing even when a master story teller is the one explaining. I think I felt more inclined toward Diane/Betty because I have dreams that are crazy and sometimes seem better than real life and whenever I wake up I always feel disoriented and wanting more than I have. Thankfully I have never tried to kill myself when I woke up. 
The entire movie had sexual overtones and tension between Betty and Rita... well I guess that was explained at the end. I felt justified about thinking Betty was hitting on Rita at the end of the movie. When I first started noticing the sexual tension my reaction was SERIOUSLY how pathetic to put in lesbian overtones, especially ones so blatantly obvious. What I want to know is if the story could have gone the same way if instead of two women it was a man and a woman. 
And what about the characters playing two characters? Like Camilla and the blond at the dinner party? Was this a knock on the hollywood narcissistic  attitude? Love yourself first others second?

Other than the inconclusive ending I really enjoyed this movie despite my misgivings on the blatant use of sexual overtones

Friday, May 1, 2009

Do you think I'm Sexy

I've seen this movie in another class and what upset me was that we didn't really discuss the influence of images in the film. So it was really helpful when we did discuss them in this class. I'm thinking the images were to show the violent nature of sex. which just shores up the ideas of the movie. After all, the violence done by both Mickey and Mallory ends with some sort of sexual encounter, even Scagnetti's sexual encounter is mixed with violence. 
I really enjoyed this movie, more so this second time because i didn't have to focus on the story as much so I was able to look at the images...seeing the images of Mickey as the demon was a little freaky since he was covered in blood and looked like he was about to rip off the head of the next person to look at him (I know that was the point...the demon inside of each of us wants to kill)
I was happy Jess brought up the fact that at the end when they were showing the media around all the "star" murderers they were playing circus music, it made me think that we as a society make these people famous, it isn't who they kill or how they do it, or even how many they kill. Let the media get their teeth into a story and you have an over night sensation and everyone is talking about them. 
In the Freak Shows people were put on display and then stories were made up about them mostly not true but the story is what drew people thrills. 
I think my favorite part of the movie is when someone pleads to be kept alive ('you always leave someone alive to tell the story') and of course no one ever is because either there is only one person to kill anyway or there is a camera.
the idea of being killed frightens the individual yet thrills the crowd.
I need to see this movie a couple more times before I think I will really understand all of it.