At one point Miller says "You get stuck up on specifics you miss out on the whole thing." I think that is part of the point of pastiche, mash up all the genres and make the whole movie about visuals. With the mash up of genres you need to really pay attention to understand the movie, but by paying attention to the overall storyline you miss out on some of the more subtle parts of the movie and their meanings/impact.
ie: What's with the one brother wearing a hair net? is it a subtle reminder of the menial drudgery of a short order cook vs the crazy life of a repo man? And what about the security guard knitting...can't even start to figure that one out. Or all of the Smiley Face buttons?
This movie reminded me of several other movies such as
Mother, Jugs and Speed
Super Troopers
and a tiny bit of Back to the Future
and the Steven King book From a Buick 8 (horrible book by the way)
I really enjoyed this movie and its sometimes blatant mocking of the genres